Monday, 26 November 2012

What the Diet Industory is not Telling you about Weight Loss

At any given time, more than half of U.S. residents are trying to lose weight. With overall body weights increasing, along with the rates of diseases that have been correlated with higher weights, many people feel that dieting is their only option for good health. Unfortunately, not everyone who wants to reduce is doing it in a healthy way. Weight loss is an industry worth more than $60 billion dollars in the United States, and much of that industry is dedicated to selling products rather than keeping people healthy. Here's a look at what you may not know about losing weight.

Types of Weight Loss Techniques There are many methods available for trying to lose weight. Restrictive diets are among the best-publicized. These include calorie restriction, in an attempt to take in less energy than you expend, as well as diets that restrict food by type, such as low-fat, low-carbohydrate and low-sugar diets.In addition to using restrictive diets, some people also attempt to significantly increase their activity. This has a similar effect to that of a calorie-restricting diet, but it increases the amount of energy spent rather than decreasing what goes in. Increased activity tends to require greater schedule and lifestyle changes than simply changing your eating habits, but it comes with added benefits such as increased strength and better cardiovascular health.Last, and potentially more profitable for the weight loss industry, are devices, supplements and other products intended to produce weight loss.
For: Fat Loss 4 Idiots
These include diet pills, natural weight loss supplements containing acai, African mango and a range of other substances, plus belts and other devices. The basic principle behind some of these products has been shown to help with reduction when it's combined with other mainstream methods, but the majority of diet pills and other products don't do much to help. They can even be harmful to your health.

Weight Loss Effectiveness With more than 50 percent of the population paying attention to weight, you'd expect the pounds to be coming off. Most people, however, are experiencing little to no weight change. Some people even find that their weight goes up after they attempt to reduce. Depending on the study, statistics show that between 30 and 60 percent of dieters not only regain all the weight they lose while dieting, they actually become even heavier than they were before they started the diet. These patterns hold true across a wide spectrum of weight-loss techniques.
For: Carb Back-loading 1.0

Only about 10 percent of all dieters are able to maintain their loss after several years, no matter how much weight was lost during the dieting period.Out of people who do lose weight effectively, the most viable target is a loss of about 10 percent of their highest weight. That's the number recommended by the National Institutes of Health for people who are obese or overweight. Losing more than this can be difficult and is rarely effective.Many people attribute this lack of effectiveness to poor willpower on the part of the dieter, but recent research has shown that the problem is more complex than this. A 2011 study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that losing weight changes the way the body produces hormones associated with metabolism. This means that people who attempt to reduce are hungrier and suffer from higher appetite levels than they did before the loss. This lasts for at least one year after weight loss, making it far more difficult for someone who has dieted to maintain a lower weight than it is for someone who has never undergone a weight loss program.

Dangers of Dieting It's not just poor rates of effectiveness that make weight loss a complicated subject. Trying to get rid of fat can also be dangerous. This problem is greater with extreme diets that promise to take off a lot of weight very quickly. These diets can encourage loss of muscle instead of fat. They also increase the risk of heart disease, a slowed metabolism, and other health problems. Liquid diets, extreme calorie deprivation, and fad diets that eliminate whole categories of food are the most dangerous, but any kind of diet can be hazardous to your health if you repeatedly lose and gain weight, or “yo-yo.”Diet pills can cause serious health problems, too. These weight loss supplements are usually made to be taken for only a short period of time and often contain large amounts of caffeine and other stimulants. This type of diet pill can increase anxiety and irritability, produce insomnia and other sleep problems, and even cause cardiovascular problems in people with existing heart weakness. Fat blockers can produce intestinal discomfort and other digestive problems. They can also produce malnutrition by blocking the body's ability to absorb important vitamins and minerals. Diet pills that work as appetite suppressants can raise your heart rate and blood pressure. Even herbal weight loss supplements can have unpleasant side effects, especially in people who are allergic to some of their ingredients.
Weight Isn't Everything These questions about health and effectiveness are often met with the assertion that fatness is fundamentally unhealthy, so everyone should try to lose weight. In fact, while there are several diseases and conditions associated with higher weight, they aren't necessarily a direct result of it. While fat people are much more likely to suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure and other metabolic problems, the correlation reduces significantly if those fat people are active and eat a good diet. Thin, sedentary people are actually at greater risk than people who are fat but otherwise in good physical condition. You may be fat and unhealthy, but your weight isn't the biggest factor. However, that doesn't mean that weight loss isn't effective.Who Should Reduce?Studies show that if you have diabetes, pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, your condition will probably improve if you lose about 10 percent of your body weight. Losing more weight than this doesn't seem to provide additional benefit, though it could help you wear smaller clothes. If you have any of these conditions, it's important to be careful how you lose the weight and to do it only in conjunction with good diet and regular exercise. These seem to be the most important parts of staying healthy, no matter how much weight you carry.
The Healthiest Option What the diet industry doesn't want you to know is that most diet pills, weight loss supplements, and diet programs don't work very well and can even hurt your health more than being fat. If you're interested in being truly healthy, your best option for weight loss is to look at your activity level and the nutritional content of your diet. Work on making fresh vegetables at least half of your diet and take up moderate exercise at about a half hour per day. That's what the U.S. government recommends for optimum health.If you do decide to reduce your caloric intake, use a balanced diet that doesn't cut out any important food groups, and look for weight loss of no more than one to two pounds per week. This rate is more likely to produce permanent loss without serious health side effects because it's so slow that your body has the ability to adjust more effectively. You may not be able to drop a dress size in a month, but you'll feel better and stay a whole lot healthier in the long run.

For: The Diet Solution Program

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Lose Weight Fast 6 Simple Tips

By now you may have tried various ways to lose weight fast.Its possible that you have invested in a weight loss program. More often than not it is your approach to the weight loss program that determines your success with that program. If you are starting a new weight loss program, it may be helpful for you to know that there are some simple steps you can take to make any weight loss program more effective. I will share 6 tips that have been proven successful by millions of weight loss participants in any weight loss program of their choice.

Weight Loss Tip 1: Set realistic Goals
 The fastest way to lose motivation is to set unreal weight loss goals before you even begin your weight loss program. A practical approach is to ask yourself some simple questions-"What are your expectations from this weight loss program?" and "How much weight do you want to lose in a day, a week or a month". Remember that each small goal will count and help you in achieving your cherished weight target. Unrealistic goals will only end up in frustration and disappointment when they are not achieved, even when you are making significant progress in your weight loss goals.
Weight Loss Tip 2: Get temptation out of sight
Temptation is what can dislodge your plans. Start getting rid of your junk food, your colas in the refrigerator, those puddings and those chocolates you stack in your drawer! Make a new list of the food you need and start stocking on them in large quantities. Include vegetables, fruits, healthy snacks, mineral waters and vitamins and minerals supplements you may need.

Weight Loss 3: Reward system
Create a reward system for your weight loss program. For instance, you may want to get yourself a new dress, a new shoe or even a new handbag if you reach a certain point in your weight loss efforts.
Weight Loss 4: Include Exercise
Apart from weight loss exercise has various other health benefits. Choose a good exercise program that lets you burn fat and gives a good cardiovascular exercise at the same time.

Weight Loss 5: Get good sleep
Always get enough sleep during your weight loss program. A normal adult would need an approximately 7-8 hours of sleep a day. This help to keep your bodily system working in perfect order, which is crucial to the success of your weight loss program.
Weight Loss Tip 6: Relaxation
This is important in any weight loss program and you should make relaxation a crucial apart of your schedule. Meditation, relaxation and affirmations can help boost your confidence and make the process more enjoyable. By following these six simple tips, you will make your weight loss program a bigger success.For your benefit I have reviewed the best diet programs available online for you. I am sure one of them will suit your needs and help you in your effort to lose weight fast. I recommend that you join the best one suited for you today and see significant results within 2 weeks.CLICK for the reviews.

For:   The Diet Solution Program

Are Atkins Diet And Low Carb Diets Safe?

Are low carb diets safe? How safe is Atkins diet? Are low carb and Atkins diets dangerous to your health? These are burning questions for dieters all over the world.

I have personally tried low carb diets and Atkins diet and these diets made me lose weight very quickly. However not only did I lose body fat weight, I also lost muscle weight. I had very obvious muscle and fat loss because I can visually see my reduced muscle mass in the mirror.

This certainly isn’t healthy. Furthermore, the more muscle mass that you lose, the less toned your body shape is. The end result is that you will end up thin and yet looked flabby with lose skin.

The frustrating part will be that after you are off the low carb or Atkins diet, you will very probably gain back all the weight that you have loss and even more. This is because your muscles are active and they continuously burn calories. Since you have less fewer muscle mass now, your body’s metabolism or capacity to burn calories slows down tremendously.

In other words, when you put on weight again, you are putting on body fat instead of muscles if you do not exercise. You will be fatter and less healthy than before you went on the low carb or Atkins diet. To compound matters, because of lesser muscle tissues resulting in lower metabolism and thus lesser calories being burnt, you are going to get fatter.

Since then I have stayed off both low carb and Atkins diet. Both types of diets are almost similar as they require you to cut down drastically on your consumption of carbohydrates. Atkins diet went a step further by advocating almost no carbohydrate consumption for 2 weeks before adding some carbs to your meals gradually thereafter.

Besides losing muscles, how safe are low carb diets? This is what Dr Lyn Steffen and Dr Jennifer Nettleton from the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health commentated in a Lancet report, “Low carbohydrate diets for weight management are far from healthy, given their association with ketosis, constipation or diarrhea, halitosis, headache and general fatigue to name a few.”

The doctors warned that the diet increases protein load on the kidneys and alters the balance of acid in the body. This also results in loss of minerals from the bone stores and affect bone strength. The doctors went on to say that, “Our most important criterion should be indisputable safety and low carbohydrate diets currently fall short of this benchmark.”

Dr Atkins, the creator of the Atkins diet died in 2003 after he was alleged to have slipped on an icy road and hurt his head fatally. However his medical report stated that he had a history of heart attack, hypertension and congestive heart failure.

Were Dr Atkins medical conditions related to his low carbohydrates diet is anybody’s guess. Do you want to take the risk by going on a low carb diet? I don’t think I will. If I ever want to lose weight again, I will rather go on the proven method of healthy eating and regular exercises instead of jumping on any fad diets.

For:   The Diet Solution Program